ACI Russia eFX Summit 2019

Бизнес 16+


The ACI Russia e-FX Summit will bring together about 500 leading FX professionals from currency managers and systematic traders, hedge funds, international and regional banks (Global Heads of Trading, Heads of FX Trading, Senior Traders, Heads of Dealing, Heads of Execution, Senior Portfolio Managers, Managing Directors, CIOs and CEOs) for full day event.

The objective is to gather all industry (electronic trading platforms, vendors, data centers, equipment suppliers and FX professionals from the buy and sell sides) to discuss, debate and plan together around the burning issues impacting FX right now such as liquidity, code of conduct, best execution, platform innovation, research and analytics, connectivity and post-trade solutions.

ACI Russia eFX Summit 2018 Web Site —

Страница регистрации на русском языке:

October 16, 2019, Ritz-Carlton, Moscow, 9:00-21:00

Panel Discussions and Exhibition, followed by cocktail reception.

Platinum Sponsor: LMAX Exchange

Gold Sponsors:  Alfa Bank, Bloomberg, CME Group/ EBS, INTL FCStone, Metallinvestbank, Moscow Exchange,  1Prime, Raiffeisenbank, Sberbank.

Silver Sponsors:   FX Aggregator, IPC​, MetaQuotes, Trading View

Bronze Sponsors: Integral, NT Progress, UBS Investment Bank, MarketFactory, BGC Partners

Media partners:  Association of Corporate Treasurers,  NFA, Derex

*  The list of sponsors and exhibitors is not closed, please contact organisers by email in order to apply for partnership 

* The working languages of the conference are Russian and English, simultaneous translation to be provided.




08:30-09:00 Check-in and welcome coffee.


09:00-09:10 Welcome address by ACI Russia President Sergey Romanchuk.


09:10-09:30 Kenote inteview: what is driving the evolution of FX market and how to lead the change?

Moderator: Darryl Hooker, CEO of Harperdan Consulting Ltd, Member of ECB FX WG

Roland White, Global Head of Institutional Sales, LMAX  Exchange


09:30-10:15 Panel 1. Trends in global eFX trading. Sell side panel.

Moderator: Sergey Romanchuk, Head of FX&MM, Metallinvestbank, President of ACI Russia


Dmitry Gavrilets, Director, Senior Trader, Sberbank

Anton Kenyaikin, Director, head of FI sales department, capital markets trading & sales division, Raiffeisenbank

Inna Patrascu, Head of FX Sales, INTL FC Stone

Jeremy Smart, Global Head of Distribution, XTX Markets

James Beilby, Head of Algorithmic Trading, Alfa-Bank

Robbert Sijbrandij, Head of FX Institutional Trading, Flow Traders

  • Digital transformation: how the organizational structure and business processes in banks change.
  • Internalization and quality of work of a liquidity provider: what should customers pay attention to?
  • Using advanced data technologies: Data Science, AI & ML. Are innovations important?
  • Market Makers: banks versus non-bank market makers. Who will win?
  • Using different ways of trading: central limit order books or direct bilateral trading? What is the best way to redistribute risk among market participants?
  • How is the international FX market ecosystem changing?
  • What impact has FX Global Code had on changing trading practices?



10:15-11:00 Panel 2. Panel of the Global FX Committee.

Moderator: Darryl Hooker, CEO of Harperdan Consulting Ltd, Member of ECB FX WG


Valery Lyakh, Director of the Department for Countering Misconduct, Bank of Russia

Sergey Romanchuk, Metallinvestbank, Chairman, The Moscow FXJSC, GFXC Member

Jeremy Smart, Global Head of Distribution, XTX Markets

Julian Gladwin, Managing Director, Axiom Global Avdisors Limited


  • Role of the Global FX Committee in the global and regional context.
  • Has the market changed due to implementation of the FX Global Code practices? 
  • How to embed the Code in to the practices of the largest clients in the foreign exchange market?
  • Prospects for recognition of the Code in Russia.
  • What is missing from the Code? How improve it?
  • Is compliance with the Code a competitive advantage or a burden on business?
  • How do the mechanisms for monitoring compliance with the Code work? 


11:00-11:30 Coffee break.


11:30-12:15 Panel 3. Trends in global eFX trading. Experience of service providers.

Moderator: Darryl Hooker, CEO of Harperdan Consulting Ltd


Antonio De Gregorio, Managing Director, Central and Eastern Europe and CIS, Refinitiv

Roman Govorov, Director for Development, JSC AEI PRIME

Andrei Skabelin, Director, FX Market Department, Moscow Exchange

Daria Dergunova, FX & Fixed Income, Bloomberg Electronic Trading Solutions

Grigory Ivanov, Sales Director — Russia & CIS, EBS/CME Group

Renat Fatkhullin, Director, MetaQuotes Software Corp.


  • What service do clients need?
  • Professional terminal as an environment for communication between people: will free Internet messengers replace paid services?
  • Exchanges and independent ECNs: is it possible to survive alone or exchanges will buy everyone?
  • The role of platforms with a centralized limit order book in forming the market price.
  • Information or trade matching services: what do clients need more?
  • What data do clients need?
  • Place of meeting of liquidity providers and liquidity consumers: do they need intermediaries?


12:15-13:00 Panel 4. Experience of clients: corporations, funds. Clients’ evaluation of electronic platforms.

Moderator: Andrey Sumin, Key Accounts Director, Moscow Exchange


Aleksandr Smirnov, Director of the Corporate Finance & Treasury Department,  MTS

Ilya Solntsev, Head of Treasure, Megafon

Anna Zhukova, Corporate finance and liquidity manager, OMK

Nikita Zubkov, Senior Financial Markets specialist,  SUEK

Alexander Losev, Chief Executive Officer, Sputnik Asset Management JSC

Sergey Gusev, Department of management of working capital, PJSC Cherkizovo Group


  • FX risk hedging practices.
  • Electronic platforms or voice trading?
  • Banks or currency exchange and ECNs?
  • What determines the choice of counterparty and platform?
  • How is the cost of services analyzed? TCA.
  • Is the impact of the FX Global Code on counterparty selection and execution practices palpable?

13:00-14:00 Lunch.


14:00-14:45 Parallel workshops.

Discussion 5.1: How should an ideal primary FX market matching platform be designed?

Moderator: Sergey Romanchuk, Head of FX&MM, Metallinvestbank


Dmitry Gavrilets, Director, Senior Trader, Sberbank

Gleb Yarnykh, Director, Electronic Trading department, capital markets trading & sales division, Raiffeisenbank

Alexander Apanasevich Director for Liquidity Development. Moscow Exchange.

Jeremy Smart, Global Head of Distribution, XTX Markets

Yuriy Savitskiy, Director, Head of Algorithmic department, Alfa-Bank

  • How to achieve a balance of interests of the market participants so that they wish to place limited orders in the order book?
  • Latency arbitrage and high-frequency arms race — how do they affect the market?
  • Continuous matching or discrete auction?
  • Do speedbumps help the market?
  • How should data distribution be arranged?
  • Criteria for choosing the best tick size.
  • Are marketing programs needed to stimulate liquidity providers?
  • Who should pay the commission: liquidity providers or consumers?
  • Is it possible to keep different types of clients on the same platform or does one need specialization?

Discussion 5.2 From the aggregator to the client platform. How to develop electronic trading in the bank?

Moderator: Evgeny Egorov, Managing Director, Vesta Investment Bank


Vladimir Yarovoy,  Head of Electronic Markets, Sberbank

Roman Zavalyuyev, Vice President, FI Sales department, capital markets trading & sales division, Raiffeisenbank

Roman Govorov, Director for Development, JSC AEI PRIME


  • Typology of platforms presented in the market. What tasks do they solve?
  • What are the differences between the platforms presented in the Russian market? Selection criteria.
  • How to build an effective price aggregator and price engine.
  • How to build an effective client transaction platform for electronic trading.
  • Experience of buying a platform from a vendor and building it yourself?
  • Cloud technologies or placement on your own server?
  • Mobile applications for electronic platforms.
  • Business cases.



14:45-15:30 Parallel workshops.

Discussion 6.1: Algorithmic and high-frequency trade. Russian experience and global trends.

Moderator: Evgeny Egorov, Managing Director, Vesta Investment Bank


Grigory Baitsur, Director, connectivity technology development, Trading and Clearing Systems Development Center, Moscow Exchange

Yuriy Savitskiy, Director, Head of Algorithmic department, Alfa-Bank

Jeremy Smart, Global Head of Distribution, XTX Markets

Igor Nesterov, Deputy director, trading system development department, Moscow Exchange

Igor Levin, FX and FX Derivatives Market Specialist, Bloomberg

Sergey Melnikov, Chief Technology Officer, Raiffeisenbank

  • Key trends in the algorithmic trading market.
  • High-frequency trading as a segment of algorithmic trading. Who is it available to?
  • Myths and reality of algorithmic trading. How to launch your own algorithm and what are the costs of entering the market?
  • What are the profitability levels of the algorithms?
  • Is it worth buying a ready to use solution or should you always do your own?
  • What does the Russian market look like in comparison with global trends in terms of development, number of participants, profit margins and regulation?
  • HFT strategies and good trading practices. Role of FX Global Code.

Discussion 6.2 Is the user interface and its design important in the electronic trading platform? How is the fight for the client going?

Moderator: Dmitry Burundaev, Head of Sales, FX Market, Moscow Exchange


Stanislav Bublik, Executive Director, Head of Electronic Markets distribution, Sberbank

Ilya Dulin, Director, head of Corporate Sales department, capital markets trading & sales division, Raiffeisenbank

Leo Podurets. Head of Technological Services Development Department. Moscow Exchange

Renat Fatkhullin, Director, MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Rauan Khassan, Vice President, International Growth, Trading View

  • Is it important to be "user-friendly" and ergonomics of the trading platform?
  • How to make a quality user interface?
  • Are mobile applications to the platform important?
  • Is it possible to take out of the box solution or it is better to make your own?
  • What is the future of electronic platforms from the point of view of the transaction interface?
  • Social networks and messengers. Directly to the client?



15:30-16:00 Coffee break.


16:00-16:45 Parallel workshops.


Discussion 7.1: How to build a profitable trading strategy that has an alpha? Working with data in electronic trading.

Moderator: Sergey Romanchuk, Head of FX&MM, Metallinvestbank


Yuriy Savitskiy, Director, Head of Algorithmic department, Alfa-Bank

Alexander Losev, Chief Executive Officer, Sputnik Asset Management JSC

Gleb Yarnykh, Director, Electronic Trading department, capital markets trading & sales division, Raiffeisenbank

Pavel Vidov, Head of Trading, INTRAST Financial Company

Rauan Khassan, Vice President, International Growth, Trading View

  • How correct is the hypothesis of an efficient market?
  • How to build and test a trading strategy. Myths and reality.
  • Working with data for trading strategies.
  • On what trading horizons is it possible to succeed?
  • Toolkit for data storage, analysis, trading strategy development and execution.
  • Is it possible to get an advantage due to artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies?
  • Alternative indicators: what can you look at?

Discussion 7.2: Derivatives and the money market in electronic platforms.

Moderator: Dmitry Piskulov, ACI Russia Vice President


Sergei Titov, Director of the Money Market Department. Moscow Exchange.

Stanislav Bublik, Executive Director, Head of Electronic Markets distribution, Sberbank

Igor Levin, FX and FX Derivatives Market Specialist, Bloomberg

Roman Loktionov, Director, OTC Derivatives, Moscow Exchange

  • What is the domestic and international experience of derivatives trading on electronic trading platforms?
  • How does the client demand for derivatives behave?
  • How much demand is there for various financial instruments: FX Swaps, Interest Rate Swaps, Deposits, REPO, FX Options?
  • Primary market and client’s solutions.


16:45-17:15 Coffee break.


17:15-18:00 Parallel workshops.

Discussion 8.1 Infrastructure in electronic trading platforms. Speed, reliability, fault tolerance.

Moderator: Sergey Romanchuk, Head of FX&MM, Metallinvestbank


Viktor Lovchikov, Managing Director of the Exchange Information and Technology Services Department. Moscow Exchange.

Yuriy Savitskiy, Director, Head of Algorithmic department, Alfa-Bank

Pavel Vidov, Head of Trading, INTRAST Financial Company

  • Which is better: buy your own or rent it?
  • Arms race in the high-frequency trade. Is the end visible?
  • The role of communication line providers. Internet connection or dedicated line?
  • Is colocation worth its price?
  • How not to make architectural mistakes in building a trading platform and achieve optimal performance?
  • Innovations in the market.

Is there a place for cloud technologies?

Discussion 8.2: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects: what next?

Moderator: Konstantin Zyryanov, Executive Director, ACI Russia


Evgeny Egorov, Managing Director, Vesta Investment Bank

Yury Pripachkin, President of Russian Association of Cryptoindustry and Blockchain (RACIB)

Sergey Simanovsky, CEO, Blocksult

Ilgar Alekperov, CEO, ZUBR Exchange

Nikita Kulikov, Ph.D. in law, CEO ANO "PravoRobotov"

Daniel Wolfe, Managing Director, Simoleon LTV


  • From Bitcoin to Libra and Gramm: What future awaits us?
  • Regulation of crypto assets trading: what will regulators allow?
  • Is it possible to build a reliable infrastructure?



18:00-18:45 Parallel workshops.

 Discussion 9.1 Post-trading. How to organize the work?

Moderator: Sergey Romanchuk, Head of FX&MM, Metallinvestbank

Andrew Rosoman, Head of FXPB&Clearing, EMEA, UBS Investment Bank

Inna Patrascu, Head of FX Sales, INTL FCStone

Pavel Rokhlov, Head of the FX Market Development Division. Moscow Exchange

Julian Gladwin, Managing Director, Axiom Global Avdisors Limited


  • Current trends.
  • Payment systems: if there is a place for innovations?
  • International projects that reduce risks.
  • Prime brokerage services and centralized clearing: how to enter the market.
  • How to reduce operational risks?


Discussion 9.2 Compliance procedures and training in banks and companies.

Moderator: Alexander Smirnov, Managing Director for Legal Risks and Compliance. Moscow Exchange

Larisa Zalomikhina, Managing director, Compliance director, Sberbank

Svetlana Kopylova, Compliance director, Renessans Capital

Anna Arkhangelskaya, Director, Regulatory Compliance Leader, Financial Services Advisory, CIS, Ernst&Young

Yulia Bazarova, Controller of the Professional Participant, Citibank

  • Correct compliance procedures: is it a burden or an advantage?
  • Practice of embedding professional codes into the compliance system.
  • Experience in implementing FX Global Code
  • Products for personnel training: internal or external?


18:45-21:00 Cocktail party, networking, contests.


1952 дня назад
16 October 2019 8:30–21:00

3 Tverskaya street, Moscow, 125009, Russia / Россия 125009 Москва, Тверская 3
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