• 21 мая 2015, четверг
  • Москва, 109012, Москва, Никольская 12

ACI Russia General Assembly 2015

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Другие события организатора

ACI Russia - The Financial Markets Association
3410 дней назад
21 мая 2015 c 17:30 до 23:30
109012, Москва, Никольская 12

ACI Russia – The Financial Markets Association has been conducting its General Assemblies every year since 2004. These are not just formal events, but are traditional places for the Russian dealing community to meet and interact. ACI Russia is affiliated with ACI International, and now has about 250 individual members from more than 80 banks.

This year, the 11th General Assembly will be conducted on the 21th of May, 2015 in the Hotel St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya in Moscow. We expect about 200 participants to attend. We will invite not only ACI members, but also representatives from the Central Bank of Russia, heads of important financial institutions, and journalists from the leading mass media.


17:30-18:30 St. Regis. Hall Gathering of guests and launch of the technological exhibition organized by GA sponsors. Sponsors: Moscow Exchange, Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, ICAP EBS, BATS Hotspot, Integral, ADS Securities, CME, ARQA Technologies.  Refreshments: drinks, fruits, canapés, pastry.

18:30-18:40 St. Regis. Kandinsky Hall. Welcome remarks of the ACI-The Financial Markets Association President Marshall Bailey.

18:40-19:00 St.Regis. Kandinsky Hall.  "Innovations in the Russian financial
market." Elena Tchaikovsky, Director of Financial Markets Development Department,
the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

19:00-19:10 St.Regis. Kandinsky Hall. Annual report by Sergey Romanchuk, ACI Russia President (Metallinvestbank, Moscow)

19:10-20:40 St.Regis. Kandinsky Hall.  Panel Discussion: “Current problems of financial markets: technology and regulation”.

Moderator: Sergey Romanchuk (ACI Russia). Speakers: Igor Marich (Managing Director, FX&MM, MOEX), Daria Dergunova (Head of Russia and CIS FXGO Sales, Bloomberg), Eduard Poltavsky (Director,Sales, BATS Hotspot), Stas Fedorov (Team Leader, Sales Specialists, Thomson Reuters) , Grigory Ivanov (Director, Sales, EBS), Kristina Nettles (Integral), James Watson(ADS Securities London Ltd, MD, CEO), Will Patrick (CME, Executive Director, Foreign Exchange Products), Vladimir Kurlyandchik (ARQA Technologies). 

20:45-24:00   Mandarin Combustible. Cocktail reception and networking

*The agenda points may be changed due to further speaker’s confirmations.



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